
Showing posts from November, 2011

ICON PC Users Group

I've always been taught that self praise is something you avoid for obvious reasons. When it's received from someone else and totally unexpectedly, it's always nice. It's also a nice endorsement of Avast Software and avast! Anti Virus Software in particular.

Do You Have a Microsoft Related Problem ???

How often do you have a question related to either your Microsoft Operating system or a Microsoft Product  Why not search for the problem on  MicrosoftAnswers ? Who knows, you might even get the right answer. 

11/14/2011 A Presentation Close to Home

19 members of the Bosque Farms Community Center stayed for the presentation on "Protecting Yourself and Your Identity Online" after filling their bellies with some good food. The presentation including many questions and lasted about two hours. It's always nice when the audience asks a lot of questions. I know they are interested and I also know they aren't sleeping.

11/14/2011 Bosque Farms Community Computer Safety Seminar

On Monday (11/14/2011) I'm the guest speaker at the Bosque Farms Community Center // This will be a combined meeting of the Community and Senior Center and, will be a little different than usual format since this presentation is for Computer Users but not a Computer Club. It is billed as a Computer Safety Seminar .