
Showing posts from September, 2014

Easy System Info in Win. 8.1


avast! 2015 Smart Scan

Another new feature coming in avast! 2015!

Disabeling Monitoring In Ccleaner


Microsoft exec: 'Windows 9' to be announced next week

Microsoft exec: 'Windows 9' to be announced next week A personal Observation: A new release of the Windows operating system has always brought with it a new learning curve. Some folks have forgotten that. Some have also forgotten that learning new things is what keeps your mind active and your body young. Something that's more important for some of us than others. For those of us that embraced and have worked with Windows 8 since it's early beta days, we always knew it was a much better operating system that the prior ones. It's faster, more secure and, more compatible with older software than it's predecessors. For those that missed the traditional start menu, there had always been a third party program that fixed that oversight from Microsoft. Adding  ClassicShell to the mix, gave you back the start button and added the ability to bypass the metro apps screen entirely. We are about to embark on the next release of Windows. This ...

9-23-2014 Computer Club at Venture In – Show Low, AZ

Please click here to see all the pictures

Talk Like A Pirate Day!

If you're using avast! (and why wouldn't you?) simply download   this file  to a folder you can find. Double click on the file after the download finishes and,  avast! will talk like a pirate. Have Fun, be free and, stay safe!

9-15-2014 Lehigh Valley Computer Group - Allentown, PA

Please click here to see all the pictures You can access their website at:

9-11-2013 NASAC User Group - Xenia, OH

Please click here to view all of the pictures. The clubs website is:

9-9-2014 Lorain County Computer Users Group

Please click here to view all the pictures The clubs website is:

9-11-2001 A Day I Will Never Forget!

                This isn't posted for political reasons but to honor those that gave and lost their lives on 9/11/2001 If it bothers you, please don't watch and please, don't post negative comments. Thanks