
Showing posts from June, 2016

Video Downloader Feature - Avast SafeZone Browser


Here's MY Version of "The Best Security Suites of 2016"

I read the following article today ( ) and don't understand why anyone wants to spend all that money when there is protection available totally free of charge. Protection and Security just as good, or better, than what's suggested in that article. Here are the programs I suggest that, once installed, will protect your system and do it all for FREE. What's better than being fully protected and doing it all for FREE: Avast Free Nitro Update (  ), an excellent Free Antivirus that I've personally used since 2003 and am happy to endorse. Since the free version of Avast doesn't have a Firewall, I suggest that you use the Firewall built into Windows . The Firewall built into Windows 7 through 10 gives you all the protection you need and is already a part of your operating system. Verify, via the Control Panel, that it is turned on and active.  Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Free (

6/28/2016 Dayton Microcomputer Association (DMA) Huber Heights, OH

Click here to see all the photos I was in my kitchen in  Meadow Lake , They were attending a meeting of the  DMA in Huber Heights, OH We did have 3 glitches when their WiFi didn't want to co-operate but, those incidences were quickly resolved to make this a good remote presentation. Unfortunately this clubs schedule was more than a week away from my last presentation where I was actually in Ohio so we needed to schedule this as a remote presentation. The presentation was also followed by a Q&A session. Hopefully next year, this club will be on a schedule for a live presentation.

Windows Troubleshooter


Avast Free Nitro Update


6-20-2016 Canton Massillon Alliance, Canton, OH

Click here to see all of the photos.   This was the final presentation on this trip up north and east to Ohio and Pennsylvania. Another club that was very attentive  and had a lot of questions during and after the presentation.

6-20-2016 Computer Club Meeting Tech Talk - Solon, OH

Click here to see all the photos. An excellent response to the presentation and the brunch afterwards was very nice and appreciated.

6-19-2016 Pittsburgh Area Computer Club - Pittsburgh PA

Click here to see all the pictures. A very small but interesting group with several follow-up questions.

6-16-2016 Computer Users of Erie - Erie PA

Click here to see the photos. The  Computer Users of Erie  asked many questions on the various topics covered.

6-14-2016 CPUsers Group - Tarentum PA

Click here to see all the photos. 45 Members and guests of  this club  attended last nights presentation. This presentation was followed by a very intensive Q&A session.

6-12-2016 East-Central Ohio Technology Users Club - Newark OH

Click here for all the pictures. This is a club I've belonged to for the past 4 years. 41 members attended and several others participated via  Zoom

6/11/2016 Greater Cleveland PC Users Group - Cleveland OH

Click here to see all of the Photos. I was both sad and honored to do the final presentation for the  Greater Cleveland PCUG  which was formed in 1982.  The club has been in existence since before most of the Avast Support Forum Members were born.

6-9-2016 NASAC Computer Users Group - Xenia OH

This is a friendly little Computer Club which had many questions before during and after the presentation. The conversation continued after the meeting at a local restaurant. Click here to view the album.

6/8/2016 North East Ohio PC Users Group - Westlake OH

See more photos at: More information about the NEOPCUG: