
Showing posts from October, 2016

Adding a Quick Launch Bar to Windows 10

Adding a Quick Launch Bar to Windows 10 (The Quick Launch bar goes back to Windows XP) Next you'll need to type in the Choose a folder box as shown: If you did this step correctly you'll now see this. Follow the directions shown: The Quick Launch Bar should now be added to the Task Bar: A quick way to get to this Quick Launch bar in order to add or delete items is through the Run Command: Depress the Windows Key and the R key then follow directions: You can add or delete shortcuts directly from this folder and, they will reflect in the newly created Quick Launch Bar Hope you find this useful.


I just spent four days with about 75 very enthused User Group members at the APCUG 2016 INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE All the attendees were eager to learn about the new technology discussed and very eager to learn how to protect their systems, smart phones and tablets in today's dangerous world. It was also nice to do some one on one teaching on just how Avast works, how to install it etc.  

10-12-2016 Santa Clarita Valley Computer Club (SCV Computer Club)

Last nights Webinar was done using  Zoom . I was very pleasantly surprise how easy it was to use and how flawlessly it performed. No slowdowns, no audio problem. Even the embedded videos in the presentation worked flawlessly. The audience also enjoyed the remote presentation. here's the feedback I've already received: " Hi, We had 18 attendees. It was fun to see them having so much fun. As I told you 2 years ago,  you say the same stuff I do but you have the creds. Many of them were taking notes. Judy" It was truly an enjoyable evening. 

10-11-2016 Rochester Computer Society

Last night I had the pleasure of doing a remote presentation for the members of the Rochester Computer Society   (Rochester, NY)