
Showing posts from November, 2017


Nothing to do with Security. Everything to do with Enjoyment.

New in the latest Avast Free Beta


Mostly Sunsets


Avast 17.9.2319 Beta

The latest Beta release from Avast Software

11/14/2017 The Central Iowa Computer User Group (CIACUG)

I encourage questions. Even during the presentation. Questions show interest. Questions show a willingness to learn and be involved. The Central Iowa Computer User Group (CIACUG) was the last of the groups who requested a presentation for Cyber Security Awareness Month . Since their meeting for October had already been booked, we settled on the Nov. date. In total, I remotely visited 16 Clubs for Cyber Security Awareness Month. We started in Moline Illinois and ended in Ankeny Iowa. I was as far east as Rochester NY and as far west as Newhall, California . That's a lot of miles to cover but, I never left my home on this long trip. Next month, I'll be traveling (remotely) to my neighbor to the north, Toronto, Canada .

11/4/2017 APCUG 2017 Fall Virtual Technology Conference (VTC26)

At 1:00 PM Eastern Time, I had the pleasure of participating in the APCUG Fall Tech Conference. It was very gratifying to have 72 members from various clubs throughout the US attend my remote VTC presentation.