
Showing posts from October, 2020

Weekly Security News Roundup w/e 10-30-2020


10-29-2020 The PCUG of CT - Remote

  My final presentation for October (Cyber Security Awareness Month) was for the members of  The Person Computer Users Group of Connecticut . (PCUG of CT) It was an interesting evening for an interested group. Most questions asked after the presentation revolved around OMNI and the free version of Avast.  There were also some questions about SecureLine and what's considered a safe connection. Avast Free ,  Avast Secure Browser ,  Avast SecureLine .

10/27/2020 Dayton Microcomputer Association - Remote

  This evening I hosted the meeting for the members of  the club . After the presentation we discussed Avast SecureLine and using both  Avast and Malwarebytes. Avast Free ,  Avast Secure Browser ,  Avast SecureLine .

10/26/2020 Bits and Bytes - Oklahoma - Remote

  I spent yesterday afternoon with the club members. They are a small but very curious group and were  very interested in getting details about changing from their current AV to Avast. The follow up instruction I provide make that task very easy and provide a whole lot of additional information. Avast Free ,  Avast Secure Browser ,  Avast SecureLine .

10-26-2020 Tech for Seniors - Episode 31

  Another great session besides the security updates for the week we also covered Browser redirects and hijackers plus some fun stuff. Avast Free ,  Avast Secure Browser ,  Avast SecureLine .

10-24-2020 Prescott Computer Society - Remote

This afternoon I was the guest speaker for the  Prescott Computer Society  in AZ. I was asked what would be the one paid item I would add to the free version of Avast. My suggestion was to add Avast SecureLine. Avast Free ,  Avast Secure Browser ,  Avast SecureLine .  

10-24-2020 Computers Are Easy User Group - Remote

  This morning I was invited to do a remote presentation for the members of the  CAEUG , IL. They are a small but inquisitive group and asked quite a few questions after the presentation. We discussed VPN's, PW Managers, Omni and local email vs browser based email. This was an enjoyable way to start the day. Avast Free ,  Avast Secure Browser ,  Avast SecureLine .

Show - Hide Windows Desktop Icons


What is a Browser Hijacker


10-21-2020 Columbus Computer Society - Remote

  I spent this evening remotely with the members of this club in Ohio .  They are a small but very interested group. After the presentation we spent some time discussing  Ccleaner  and  Speccy Avast Free ,  Avast Secure Browser ,  Avast SecureLine .

10/19/2020 Tucson Computer Society - Remote

  Last night's presentation for the members of Tucson, AZ group was for a small but knowledgeable group. The proceedings ended with a short Q&A session. Avast Free , Avast Secure Browser , Avast SecureLine .

10-19-2020 Canton (CAMUG) Canton, OH via ZOOM

This remote presentation was for the Canton Alliance Massillon Users Group (CAMUG) A small but very interested group. Most of our discussion was done before the presentation started. They recorded the presentation so they can refer back to it whenever needed. Avast Free , Avast Secure Browser , Avast SecureLine .

10-19-2020 Tech for Seniors - Episode 30

  Another excellent turnout for this all Zoom show. We covered many topics and the hour went by much too quickly. Avast Free , Avast Secure Browser , Avast SecureLine .

10-18-2020 East-Central Ohio Tech Users Group - Remote

  I was happy to do my presentation remotely for the members of this club . I've actually been a member of this club for several years. The big discussion after the meeting was about Avast Omni Avast Free , Avast Secure Browser , Avast SecureLine Avast Omni

10-17-2020 Brisbug Computer Club, Australia - Remote

  The recorded presentation is available at, Avast Free , Avast Secure Browser , Avast SecureLine Avast Omni

10-15-2020 The Naples Technology User Group - Remote

  This afternoon I was happy to do my presentation for the members of PCBUG The questions after the presentation covered password manger, email accounts, Avast Omni, Windows updates and other items. Avast Free , Avast Secure Browser , Avast SecureLine Avast Omni

10-14-2020 SCV Computer Club - Remote

  The evening presentation was enjoyed with the members of the Sant Clarita Valley members in Sunny CA. As you can see, I have some fans in that club. Some years back, a few lucky winners also received an Avast cap which they are still happy and proud to wear. The presentation was followed with some questions. The main question revolved around "If I have Defender, should I really replace it with Avast"? I wonder if you can guess my answer? Avast Free , Avast Secure Browser , Avast SecureLine Avast Omni .

10-14-2020 Madison PC User Group - Remote

  I shared this meeting with the members of the club via Zoom There was quite a bit of laughter and lots of information being shared. The club members also asked quite a few questions after the presentation. Avast Free , Avast Secure Browser , Avast SecureLine Avast Omni .

10-14-2020 Royal Highlands Community Tech Club - Remote

  For the first of my three presentations for today, I did my presentation was for the members of Royal Highlands CC . There was an extensive Q&A that followed the presentation. The club may be small, the amount of questions was not. The topics covered included VPN, PW Mangers, 2 factor authentication, Changing over to Avast from another AV, the Secure Browser for both the computer and smart device and several other topics. Avast Free , Avast Secure Browser , Avast SecureLine Avast Omni .

10-13-2020 Rochester Computer Society - Remote

  This evenings remote presentation was with the members of Rochester Computer Society . After some juggling with the correct Zoom link, the presentation and meeting went off without a hitch. The main topics in the Q&A that followed the meeting revolved around the Avast Secure Browser . Avast Free , Avast Secure Browser , Avast SecureLine Avast Omni .

10-13-2020 Maris Grove Computer Club - Remote

  This afternoons presentation was for the members of a club located in Delaware County, PA The presentation was followed by a very extensive Q&A session. We covered a wide variety of topics including differences in Antivirus programs, the use of a VPN and Password Manger. Bluetooth use and security and several other topics. It was an interesting and enjoyable afternoon. Avast Free , Avast Secure Browser , Avast SecureLine Avast Omni .

10/12/2020 Komputer Enthusiasts of Greater Seattle and Victoria Computer Club

  This evening's remote presentation was done for the members of two clubs The KEGS are in Seattle, WA and the Victoria Computer Club is in BC, Canada      The clubs remotely combined to both get to hear my presentation. I joined early so I was able to listen to the clubs regular meeting and my presentation followed. After the well-received presentation there was a nice Q&A session. We discussed the use of a VPM while doing on-line banking and how that sometimes presents a problem. We also spent some time on the differences between the various Avast versions. A question was also raised about using more than one antivirus program and why that is never recommended. Avast Free , Avast Secure Browser , Avast SecureLine Avast Omni .

10-12-2020 Tech for Seniors - (Episode 29)

  Another great turnout for this weekly show. We covered many topics and had great attendance. Avast Free , Avast Secure Browser , Avast SecureLine .

Weekly Security News Roundup w/e 10/9/2020


ZOOM Regular Meeting - Getting a List of Attendees

Image You need to wait for a while after the presentation for this to become available to you. It's easy for a webinar it's a bit more difficult for a regular Zoom meeting.

10/9/2020 Seniors Computer Group of Greater Kansas City - Remote

  I was happy to host the meeting for members of SenCom today. They usually use Free Conference Call but, it's not capable of playing audio embedded in a PowerPoint presentation, ZOOM does an excellent job. During the Q&A session I was asked some questions about AVG and about the Windows 7 backup function among other topics. Avast Free , Avast Secure Browser , Avast SecureLine .

10/9/2020 Deerfield Beach Computer Club- Remote

  This early morning remote presentation sent me to Deerfield Beach Florida . The club's president, Barry Cowan, stated that my good health and longevity was a direct result of receiving an anti-virus cocktail from Avast. Avast Free , Avast Secure Browser , Avast SecureLine .

10-7-2020 OPCUG – the OLLI Computer and Tech Club - Remote

  I spent some time this evening with the members of the OLLI Computer and Tech Club .  The questions that followed revolved around Avast SecureLine , Avast SecureBrowser and the Avast Password Manager. I was also invited to the virtual Pizza party that usually follows their meeting. Unfortunately, I had supper waiting for me and graciously declined.

10/7/2020 Sunland Springs Village Computer Club–Remote

  This morning I spent some time with the members of the SSSVCC .  After some personal discussions and an introduction, I did my presentation. There was a Q&A session that followed the presentation. Avast Omni took the spotlight. There were also some question about VPNs , how they worked and why you should be using one.

10-6-2020 KIPCUG - Remote

  This afternoon I was the presenter for the Kentucky-Indiana Computer Uuser Group This is a small and friendly club but, when the presentation is done remotely, size isn't really that important. The presentation was followed by a Q&A session. the main topic revolved around the Avast Hack Check website . Avast Free , Avast Secure Browser , Avast SecureLine .

Using Avast Hack Check Website


10-5-2020 Tech for Seniors Episode 28

  Another great turnout for this all Zoom meeting. There was a great interest in Martin's success in hacking that Coffee maker.(  ), which pointed out the importance of using  Avast Omni .

See Todays Mail before its Delivered


Spooktacular Zoom Background

Image Just in time for  Halloween A nice virtual background suitable for ZOOM, etc. thanks to DISH Scape.

10-3-2020 Pikes Peak Computer Application Society

  Today I had the please of remotely visiting the Club member of  (P*PCompAS) as they like to be addressed. The presentation was well received and followed by an extensive Q&A session. Avast Free ,  Avast Secure Browser ,  Avast SecureLine .

10-1-2020 Computer Club of Oklahoma City

  October is Cyber Security Awareness Month T his morning I had the pleasure of remotely visiting and presenting to the  clubs members . The presentation that I presented was " Staying Safe and Secure " The presentation was followed by an extensive hands on Q&A session. Image backup was one of the topics covered during the Q&A session. We also spent ti me on PW managers and the importance of using a VPN like  Avast SecureLine .