Microsoft may withhold security updates from unsupported Windows 11 PCs
That headline is very troubling to me. I have been a Microsoft Insider since Windows 7. Last year, for Black Friday I purchased a rebuilt HP Elite Desktop. It came with an I7 processor, 1 TB SSD drive and 32 Gig's of ram. I had windows 10 Pro installed and I signed the system up for the Windows Insider program. When Windows 11 was announced, I was pretty excited to know that because I was an insider, I'll have an early look at the new OS once it was made available. I soon learned that my system would not be able to run the new OS because the processor was too old and the required security chip was only version 1.2 instead of the required version 2.0 I had resigned myself that this system would continue to be a Windows 10 system and receive early updates to the latest version of Windows 10 since I was still signed in as an insider. About a month ago, I started this system simply to check for updates since I hadn't used the computer for a while. I was greeted with an update ...