
Showing posts from November, 2022

The dirty road to clean energy

Image In less than a single decade, the Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park (IMIP) has released enough pollution that people in the neighboring village of Kurisa can no longer fish, nor rely on rivers as safe water sources. You can read the entire article by Rest of World at:

11-28-2022 Tech for Seniors - Episode 139

  Today was another  information and feature packed episode . We covered the following topis, Security news roundup, What does Subscribing to a YouTube Channel Mean, Someone is Spying on You , an easy way to Open multiple URL's in your Browser, All about the  Uncomplicate Launcher  for your Android phone. The musical segment was a tribute to Chuck Berry. A Q&A session ended the show.

Uncomplicated Launcher

Image Designed for Seniors using an Android phone. Get it at the Google App Store:

5 quick ways to speed up your computer

Image Your computer's performance can be affected by lots of things — find out how to get your PC up to speed. My thanks go to Emma McGowan for her excellent article  on this topic and the inspiration for this video. You’ll find her article at:

Weekly Security News Roundup w/e 11-25-2021

Image Security-related news thanks mostly to Avast Software. I'm just a messenger. They do most of the challenging research. Links to the articles referenced in this video are part of the video show notes.

Someone is spying on you

Image Someone is almost certainly spying on you. My thanks go to Emma McGowan for her article and the inspiration for this video. Follow the link to read it:

11-21-2022 Tech for Seniors - Episode 138

  Happy Monday and another great  Tech for Senior  episode. We covered the following topics this morning, a lengthy  Security News Roundup , all about EV Vehicles  Part 2, learn to  Be a savvy online shopper this holiday season , our favorite YouTube Channels which will be listed in the Sat. Newsletter, Google Chrome's side panel search, for the musical outro Ben Rector was featured for his rendition on the Thanks Giving Song. A 20 min. Q&A session on the presented items followed the show.

11-16-2022 PC-Tech Users Group, NY

  Tonight's unexpected last minuet meeting was for a  smaller club . We talked about Using  Ccleaner  for things other than cleaning up junk. The presentation was well received and was a hands on demonstration of all the tools that are part of Ccleaner. After the presentation I was able to demonstrate the answers to the many questions asked. I also answered some questions and demonstrated  the answer about the mail shield in  Avast Free .

CC or BCC - What is it - Proper use of one or the other.

Image CC and BCC are standard fields you’ll see in your email inbox. But what does CC mean anyway? What does BCC stand for? Here I’ll answer your questions by explaining both terms and how you may be able to use them in your emails. My thanks to Sandy Writtenhouse for her article and the catalyst for this video. You can read it here:

11-14-2022 Tech for Seniors - Episode 137

  Today was another feature packed episode of this series devoted to helping Seniors understand and benefit from technology. We covered the following topics, Cyber Security news update, How to legally watch movies online, all about Flight Radar 24 - A must have APP, Three Windows 11 tips, and the musical outro tribute was about Leonard Cohen an Canadian musician. We ended the show with a Q&A session.

11/12/2022 APCUG's Saturday Safari

  This morning, I did my presentation for the  Association of Personal Computer Users Groups APCUG is an umbrella group of Computer user groups accoross the US, CA and Australia. It was an excellent turnout (122) and I was happy to answer the questions of those that attended after the presentation.

Weekly Security News Roundup w/e 11-11-2022

Image Security-related news thanks mostly to Avast Software. I'm just a messenger. They do most of the challenging research. Links to the articles referenced in this video are part of the video show notes.

Winter with Spaceship

Image Winter Scene with spaceship - Zoom Virtual Background A nice Winter virtual background with Spaceship suitable for ZOOM, etc. Thanks to DISH Scape.

11-17-2022 Tech for Seniors Episode 136

  Another well attended show that covered quite a few topics. We covered the following topic this morning: Cyber security news update, All about USB-C, Why Snowbirds shouldn't change Sim Cards, Stting up Free Services to your Samart TV (part 1) The musical outro was a tribute to Jerry Lee Lewis who passed recently. During the 20 min Q&A session that followed the show, we answered questions on topics covered during the show.

11-7-2022 Leisure World Computer and Technology Club, AZ

I spent early yesterday morning with the members in  Leisure World  via Zoom. The presentation was well received despite the fact that I have  laryngitis  and my voice was really low. This was a hybrid meeting where most folks attended in person and some joined via Zoom. During the Q&A session which followed the presentation we had a lengthy discussion about SPAM.

Weekly Security News Roundup w/e 11-4-2022

Image Security-related news thanks mostly to Avast Software. I'm just a messenger. They do most of the challenging research. Links to the articles referenced in this video are part of the video show notes.

Avast - Energy Scams Are Increasing

Image A message from  Avast  about the current Energy price hikes and the associated increase  in scams associated with this topic.

11-3-2022 Wisconsin All-Computer Users , WI

  This evening I spent some ZOOM time with the  WAUC  members in Milwaukee, WI The meeting was a hybrid meeting where most attended in person and some members joined via ZOOM. I had joined early and found out the those attending in person had no internet access at the church they used  for  the meeting place. The suggestion to use a phone as a hotspot solved the problem. After the presentation the members asked questions on the following topics: Identifying spam emails and  marking them as such so the wind up in the Spam folder not the In-box, what does  Avast's Smart Scan  check. I was also asked if there was a way to check a website to see if might be malicious. There are websites that actually do that service by seeing if the website is currently considered malicious  by many AV programs.  Virus Total  and  URLVoid  are just two of those types of websites.

What to do if you've been hacked

Image It can feel embarrassing to be the victim of a crime but, remember: You’re not alone. Nowadays it’s a very common occurrence. My thanks to Emma McGowan for her information on this topic and the inspiration for this video. Follow the link to read her article. You can reach the FTC to report a crime at the following link:

How Low Can I Set My Thermostat In the Winter?

Image Whether you’re headed on vacation and want to dial the thermostat back while you’re away,  or you’re interested in saving on your energy bill all winter long, here’s what you need to know. My thanks to Jason Fitzpatrick for his article which inspired this video. You can read it here:

Chrome browser - Side Panel Search feature

Image A look at the new Side Panel Search feature in Google Chrome Browser.

11-1-2022 Green Valley Recreation Computer Club, AZ

  This afternoon I remotely visited the members of  GNR . This was a hybrid meeting that was well received. The club members asked questions on the following topic after the presentation: Spam - block, report or both. syncing files to the cloud or image backup or both? Two factor authentication,  VPN , how good is  Avast One Essential . If I answered some of those questions to the members satisfaction, Avast should get some new customers.

Accessing a loved one’s online accounts after they die

Image It’s always best to address this topic while your loved one is still alive, and we’ll also address that procedure later in this video. To read the full article by Emma McGowan on this topic, just follow the link listed.