Avast Sponsored Security Seminars are now history.
Avast, now part of GenDigital, has decided to end this project as of 3/31/2023.
I'm extremely grateful for the opportunity and the commitment Avast has always put into making the project a success.
I want to personally thank Ondřej Vlček for his personal guidance and support
through out this thirteen plus year endeavor.
Going forward, my commitment is still strong and I'll continue to help where ever I can.
I think the Avast brand still offers a quality product and commitment to it's customers
and is still what protects my digital life and my computers, tablets and phones.
Going forward, there'll be some changes in the amount of resources I can commit in helping others but, since we now have tools like ZOOM, Meet, Teams, FreeConferenceCall, and others, help and presentations are only a click away. I also plan to continue making instructional, informative, and interesting videos.
Thanks again Avast for making all of this possible. The project may have ended, I plan to continue.