Our Election Process is Under Attack

My bone of contention is that the withdrawal of President Joe Biden was a planned strategy to prevent the Democratic voters to actually choose their Presidential Nominee.   

This concern about potential manipulation in the election process is serious and reflects broader worries about the integrity and transparency of democratic institutions. Here's a deeper look into these issues:

Manipulation Concerns

1. Planned Withdrawal: If it appears that a candidate's withdrawal is strategically planned to influence the outcome, it can indeed seem like a bypass of the democratic process. This undermines trust in the system.

2. Competency Questions: Doubts about the current president's competency can also lead to suspicions about the motivations and actions of party leaders.

Transparency and Accountability

1. Public Trust: For a democracy to function effectively, the public must trust that the election process is fair and transparent. Any perceived manipulation can erode this trust.

2. Media and Oversight: Media scrutiny, public watchdogs, and legal mechanisms are crucial in holding political parties accountable. Investigative journalism and public inquiry can expose and address potential manipulation.

Democratic Process

1. Delegate Role: While delegates play a key role in selecting a candidate, they are meant to represent the will of the voters. Any deviation from this can be contentious.

2. Party Regulations: Both major parties have internal rules designed to handle unforeseen circumstances and ensure a fair process. However, the interpretation and implementation of these rules can sometimes be controversial.

Public Action

1. Voter Engagement: Public awareness and engagement are essential. Voters need to stay informed and actively participate in the political process to hold parties accountable.

2. Advocacy for Reform: If there are systemic issues, advocating for electoral reforms can help improve transparency and trust in the process.


Concerns about manipulation in the election process are valid and warrant attention. Ensuring transparency, maintaining public trust, and holding political entities accountable are essential for the health of any democracy. Public scrutiny and active participation are key to addressing and mitigating such concerns.

This needs to be a concern for all voters regardless of Party Affiliation.


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