The Great Kitchen Critter Showdown


Spiders in the sink really stink,
When I saw one this morning, I gave it no warning.
I turned on the water, gave it a blast,
And sent it swirling down the drain real fast.

Next came the ants, marching in a line,
Looking for crumbs, hoping to dine.
With a swipe of a cloth, I wiped them away,
Leaving them puzzled at the start of the day.

A cockroach appeared, bold as can be,
But it met its match with a shoe from me.
With a hop and a skip, it was no more,
Off to the great roach heaven, forevermore.

Then a moth fluttered in, aiming for light,
But a newspaper swat ended its flight.
Back to the shadows it went to hide,
To avoid the wrath of my swatting pride.

The critters all know I'm ready to fight,
So they scatter and scurry, avoiding the light.
When darkness falls, they might return,
But in my kitchen, they'll learn to adjourn.

I wrote this because I saw a spider in the sink this morning. :)


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