
Showing posts from 2020

12-28-2020 Tech for Seniors - Episode 40

  Eighty-five folks attended todays show where we covered a variety of topics. We also devoted a section to predictions for 2021. The security predictions unfortunately, were all gloomy. We all need to be more vigilant next year than we were in 2020. Many changes have occurred in 2020 that have increased the threat vector which will have an increased negative effect on our security. Our dependence on our Security related products will increase in 2021. I'm depending on their ability to be up to the challenge. Avast Free ,  Avast Secure Browser ,  Avast SecureLine ,  Avast Omni

Weekly Security News Roundup w/e 12-25-2020


Merry Christmas 2020


12/21/2020 Tech for Seniors - Episode 39

  This is the last episode before Christmas. As you can see, we had a great turnout (94). Topics included General Security, Windows Your Phone app, 5G service, 2 Factor Authentication, and some Christmas music to round out the show. Next week we may need to start steaming to YouTube since the attendance is getting close to that 100 attendee cutoff.

Blob Opera by Google Experimental

Image Try it here, . Blob Opera is a machine learning experiment by David Li in collaboration with Google Arts and Culture. A great way to learn music composition and voice harmony totally free.

'Tis the Season to be careful!

  All the links lead to bitly shortened addresses waiting to steal your information. There is no check. Trust nothing verify everything.

Web Trails by Avast Labs

Image Get detailed information about your browsing history and habits securely.

12/15/2020 Silvercom Computer Club Mesa, AZ - Remote

  This morning I was happy to show the members of the club how to secure their smart devices through the use of Avast Omni. The presentation was followed by lots of questions and hopefully some purchase of Omni. Avast Free ,  Avast Secure Browser ,  Avast SecureLine ,   Avast Omni

Amazon - Sidewalk (On or Off)

Image A new feature in Amazon (Alexa) that needs your attention.

12-14-2020 Tech for Seniors - Episode 38

  As you can see, we had another excellent turnout (85) In addition to the security topic, the show also contained information about Google Art, Amazon Shopping, Program installation and a bit of Holliday cheer. Tomorrow, I'll be doping an all-Avast program for a club in AZ. The main topic will be Avast Omni. Avast Free ,  Avast Secure Browser ,  Avast SecureLine ,   Avast Omni

Avast Omni - My Choice


Weekly Security News Roundup w/e 12/11/2020


12-9-2020 APCUG Home Automation Workshop

  An excellent turnout (85) for this workshop all about home automation including an answer to the question "Is your Smart Home a Secure Home. If you're using  Avast's Omni , you can have both a smart home and a secure home.

12-7-2020 Tech for Seniors - Episode 37

  Another fun filled and well attended show. (82) We covered lots of topics. The topics included security, tips and tricks, tech toys and, some entertainment. Avast Free ,  Avast Secure Browser ,  Avast SecureLine ,   Avast Omni

Happy Holidays Everyone


Microsoft Safety Scanner

  Download and information, I'd call this a second opinion tool.

2020 Christmas Scape

Image A nice ZOOM Virtual background for Christmas

11-30-2020 Tech for Seniors - Episode 36

  Another week and another great turnout. (88) We covered many topics ending up was a bit of musice from a virtual choir. Avast Free ,  Avast Secure Browser ,  Avast SecureLine ,   Avast Omni

Security News Roundup w/e 11/27/2020


Happy Thanksgiving - 2020


Run Retro Games and Apps in your Browser

  Choose - Win 95? 98? ME? Basic? EmuOS emulates Windows in the browser, and it comes with a number of games and applications  for you to run right from that browser as well. Windows 95 - Pick your game(s) - programs Windows 98 - Pick your game(s) - programs Windows ME - Pick your game(s) - programs If you're old enough, give Windows 3.1 a try. Finally, there's Basic Most of all, have fun, explore and don't forget to keep an eye on the time. Thanksgiving is right around the corner.

11-24-2020 Google Doodle

You never know where you'll find music worth listening to.

11-23-2020 Tech for Seniors - Episode 35

  Another enjoyable session with an excellent attendance. (84) We covered many topics including Tech toys, Browser Extensions, the new Apple M1chip and lots of security related topics. Avast Free ,  Avast Secure Browser ,  Avast SecureLine ,   Avast Omni

Winter - Zoom Background


Avast Security News Roundup w/e 11-20-2020


11-16-2020 Tech for Seniors - Episode 34

  Excellent attendance today (86) for a feature packed show. We answered questions before the start of the show and covered a lot of topics during the show. Avast Free ,  Avast Secure Browser ,  Avast SecureLine   Avast Omni

Weekly Security News Roundup w/e 11-13-2020


Google Photo Breaks a Promise.


11/10/2020 Central Iowa Computer User Group - Remote

  I spent part of this evening remotely with the members of the club. It's a small group but we had quite a few questions after the presentation. I was able to show off parts of Avast Omni since the club members were interested in the product. There was also an interest in Avast SecureLine and the Secure Browser for the Android device. Avast Free ,  Avast Secure Browser ,  Avast SecureLine   Avast Omni

11-9-2020 Tech for Seniors Episode 33

  We had a large turnout for today's show. We also answered quite a few questions covering a lot of different topics. Avast Free ,  Avast Secure Browser ,  Avast SecureLine .

11-7-2020 APCUG VTC - Remote

  Today I attended, presented, and participated in the event hosted by the  APCUG . I attended one  virtual conference , presented a conference and, participated in APCUG's annual meeting. I joined at 11:00 AM this morning and we finally wrapped things up 3:30 PM. It was an enjoyable way to spend the better part of today. I had forty-seven folks attend the conference (presentation) that I offered.

Weekly Security News Roundup w/e 11-6-2020


Reaching System Information

Image There are different ways to reach System Information in Windows 10. There are even different ways to display the System Information. (New vs Old)

11/4/2020 Grand Computers Org., AZ - Remote

  I remotely spent this afternoon as the guest for the  Grand Computers Club . We had a good turnout and the presentation was well received. The main question after the meeting was about installing Avast on a system  that currently has Microsoft Defender. That was a very easy question to answer. Avast Free ,  Avast Secure Browser ,  Avast SecureLine .

11-2-2020 Tech for Seniors - Episode 32

  Another great turnout with a lively and very interested group of followers. We again covered many topics and hopefully everyone learned something. Avast Free ,  Avast Secure Browser ,  Avast SecureLine .

System Control Panel Always Available

Image How to add the System Control Panel to the Task Bar for easy access.

Autumn Creek - Zoom Virtual Background

Image A nice virtual background suitable for ZOOM, etc. thanks to DISH Scape. (I'm not part of the video.)

Weekly Security News Roundup w/e 10-30-2020


10-29-2020 The PCUG of CT - Remote

  My final presentation for October (Cyber Security Awareness Month) was for the members of  The Person Computer Users Group of Connecticut . (PCUG of CT) It was an interesting evening for an interested group. Most questions asked after the presentation revolved around OMNI and the free version of Avast.  There were also some questions about SecureLine and what's considered a safe connection. Avast Free ,  Avast Secure Browser ,  Avast SecureLine .

10/27/2020 Dayton Microcomputer Association - Remote

  This evening I hosted the meeting for the members of  the club . After the presentation we discussed Avast SecureLine and using both  Avast and Malwarebytes. Avast Free ,  Avast Secure Browser ,  Avast SecureLine .

10/26/2020 Bits and Bytes - Oklahoma - Remote

  I spent yesterday afternoon with the club members. They are a small but very curious group and were  very interested in getting details about changing from their current AV to Avast. The follow up instruction I provide make that task very easy and provide a whole lot of additional information. Avast Free ,  Avast Secure Browser ,  Avast SecureLine .

10-26-2020 Tech for Seniors - Episode 31

  Another great session besides the security updates for the week we also covered Browser redirects and hijackers plus some fun stuff. Avast Free ,  Avast Secure Browser ,  Avast SecureLine .

10-24-2020 Prescott Computer Society - Remote

This afternoon I was the guest speaker for the  Prescott Computer Society  in AZ. I was asked what would be the one paid item I would add to the free version of Avast. My suggestion was to add Avast SecureLine. Avast Free ,  Avast Secure Browser ,  Avast SecureLine .  

10-24-2020 Computers Are Easy User Group - Remote

  This morning I was invited to do a remote presentation for the members of the  CAEUG , IL. They are a small but inquisitive group and asked quite a few questions after the presentation. We discussed VPN's, PW Managers, Omni and local email vs browser based email. This was an enjoyable way to start the day. Avast Free ,  Avast Secure Browser ,  Avast SecureLine .

Show - Hide Windows Desktop Icons


What is a Browser Hijacker


10-21-2020 Columbus Computer Society - Remote

  I spent this evening remotely with the members of this club in Ohio .  They are a small but very interested group. After the presentation we spent some time discussing  Ccleaner  and  Speccy Avast Free ,  Avast Secure Browser ,  Avast SecureLine .

10/19/2020 Tucson Computer Society - Remote

  Last night's presentation for the members of Tucson, AZ group was for a small but knowledgeable group. The proceedings ended with a short Q&A session. Avast Free , Avast Secure Browser , Avast SecureLine .

10-19-2020 Canton (CAMUG) Canton, OH via ZOOM

This remote presentation was for the Canton Alliance Massillon Users Group (CAMUG) A small but very interested group. Most of our discussion was done before the presentation started. They recorded the presentation so they can refer back to it whenever needed. Avast Free , Avast Secure Browser , Avast SecureLine .